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One comment

  • Alexandra Vasiliu (12 years)

    Voteaza pentru „Sezatoarea“! push the button, change the world! Romania – Social Impact Award 2012: http://socialimpactaward.net/romania/community-voting/
    Dragi iubitori ai satului romanesc,
    Suntem echipa Village Life / Viata la tara – o asociatie de tineri care si-au propus sa contribuie la dezvoltarea rurala din Romania; ne dorim un sat romanesc care sa-si valorifice natura, oamenii si traditia, intr-un mod armonios, echitabil si durabil.
    Cu proiectul nostru “Sezatoarea”, vrem sa cream o sursa de venit pentru familiile nevoiase de la sate care inca pastreaza aceasta veche si frumoasa traditie, prin promovarea lor catre grupuri de oraseni si turisti romani sau straini. Vizitatorii sunt invitati sa ia parte la experienta de neuitat a unei sezatori, iar familiile organizatoare se bucura de donatii, devenind in acelasi timp mandrii de mostenirea lor culturala nepretuita.
    “Sezatoarea” este acum printre cei 5 finalisti pe Romania la concursul Social Impact Award. Proiectul cu cele mai multe voturi castiga un premiu modest, dar care pe noi ne ajuta mult sa ne dezvoltam ideea si eventual sa gasim noi resurse.

    Daca va place ce vrem sa facem, ar fi minunat sa va mobilizati prietenii si impreuna sa readucem “Sezatoarea”, de la televizor – acolo unde ea isi are de fapt locul – in mirificele noastre sate. Puteti vota “Sezatoarea” printr-un simplu click, aici: http://socialimpactaward.net/romania/community-voting/

    Se poate vota pana pe 31 mai, si cu ajutorul dumneavoatra, suntem siguri ca putem castiga acest premiu de popularitate.

    Va multumim anticipat si va asteptam cu drag, pe toti …poate la prima voastra sezatoare.

    Echipa „Sezatorii“,
    Village Life / Viata la tara

    E-Mail: info@villagelife.ro
    Web: http://www.villagelife.ro

    We are a team of four who decided to do their best to contribute to the sustainable development of the Romanian village. We envision a village where the natural and cultural heritage is well respected and taken care of.
    Our latest project is “Sezatoarea”. A sezatoare is an old Romanian tradtion where villagers used to get together to help each other work and at the same time have fun singing and telling jokes. We want to revive this tradition by organizing “sezatoare” events in villages, where guests from nearby cities – people who want to get back in touch with rural simplicity and their roots – are invited to participate. These guests make donations to the local community, and so create a new and much needed sustainble source of income for villagers.
    “Sezatoarea” is now among the five Romanian finalists for the Social Impact Award competition. The project that gets most “community votes” by May 31st will receive a financial prize. Even if quite modest, this prize is imporant to us, since it will help us expand our idea to more villages, and so have a wider impact.
    You can help us with almost no effort by voting for the “Sezatoarea”, with a single click next to it, until May 31st, at http://socialimpactaward.net/romania/community-voting/.
    If you really like what we are doing, you could also ask your friends for a click. It is only with your help that we will suceed in implementing this project. We thank you so much.

    The Village Life Team
    E-Mail: info@villagelife.ro
    Web: http://www.villagelife.ro

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